Friday, March 29, 2013

Austin Disposable Plastic Bag Ban

On Tuesday, March 5, the National Association of Convenient Stores (NACS) published an article titled “Austin Disposable Plastic Bag Ban Take Effect.”  This article is talking about that Austin gives a policy that retailer’s stores, pharmacies, and any convenient store are not allowed to use plastic bags with their customers. 
 Austin should not Ban the plastic bags because it affects the majority of residents of Austin.  Those bags are small compared with the big ones that the store is selling now or the paper bags that are not resistant enough to carry all the shopping.  In my personal opinion the plastic bag ban doesn't make sense, the plastic bags with handle that the stores provide to the shoppers was very healthy because customers do not expose their food or lose the small products that they have purchased, the handle plastic bags also were one time use and disposables or you can used at home in something else like for example in the trash.  It is understandable that no one carries their clothes bags everywhere, or buys the plastic reusable bags that they are selling.  The reusable plastic bags has a lot of bacteria including the E. coli if it is not appropriate cleaned after load your bag with produce or meats like fish or chicken.  And I am asking what is going to happen with the big plastic bags that are used to wrap big items like mattresses or those to dispose the trash or clean the yard.  Austin should become with a better plan that does not affect the economy or the health of people.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Resign of the Pope

On Monday, February 11, In the Pink Texas Blog was posted a comment titled “Pope Spring Eternal.”   I agree with this comment of Eileen Smith the editor of the liberal blog In the Pink Texas, because the resignation of the Pope Benedict XVI is like a disaster for the believers in the catholic church to the extreme that many of them thinks that those are signs of the end of the world. 
Probably Benedict XVI has a few personal reasons to resign but he should put at front the great responsibility that he has. He was the leader; the head of the biggest religion in the whole world.
Many catholic people still do not come out of their surprise moreover some of them decide do not believe because they do not want to trust in the church.  The Bible teaches about “love your neighbor as yourself” the things happen in Rome are far away from that teaching.
The Catholic Church is now without a leader and they feel insecure, they feel like a sheep without a pastor is time that they will open their eyes and start exercising their faith and hope that the sacrifice of Jesus in the Cross was not in vain.  
In my personal opinion the Catholic Church needs to reform certain points of their organization.  Probably being more open to the election of Pope giving more opportunity to young candidates also not tolerating the ones who committed abuses with children, which is one of the main problems and scandals of the church.